Tuesday 5 May 2020

Old Riding School Museum Wilton House

If you have read the blog before, you will know that I visit the Wake Up Wilton Breakfast meetings when I can. If this is your first time of reading, i'm a huge fan of the Wake Up Wilton Breakfast meetings. As you walk around the courtyard you will see the above sign. if you follow the sign and turn left, you will find a room that shows a film about Lord Pembroke's family history. If you go straight down the corridor, it opens out to be an exhibition garage and on display are some lovely cars. 
Some are owned by Lord Pembroke, while others are visiting exhibits. It's a very nice mix of classic and modern, road and racing cars.
The photo's below have been taken between 2015 and 2019 and there have been a fair few changes over the years.


For further information about the events at Wake Up meetings, please visit